Welcome to Main Street by EMyth

We're a community of small business owners on a mission to create businesses that work

Small Business is good for the world.

We're job creators who meet the economic and practical needs of the communities where we live. We know our customers, and they know us. We help create thriving local and regional economies with a diversity of products and services. We safeguard the environment because it's our own backyard. We build generational wealth by creating opportunity. We're the backbone of the marketplace. Main Street is where we live.

Small Business is hard work. You don't have to do it alone.

Main Street is the place where you'll find support, mentoring, knowledge, and inspiration to make your business work better, grow bigger, and stand the test of time. We're founded on the principles of The EMyth Revisited: Why Most Small Businesses Don't Work and What to Do About It. Our community is designed to help you apply the principles of the EMyth Approach to build a business that thrives without being completely dependent on you.

We believe in the power of relationship and conversation.

If there are gaps in your knowledge about how to run a business, you'll find resources on Main Street to fill those gaps. But creating relationships and being in conversations is really where it's at. They'll transform the way you think about your business. When you feel alone with the weight of your business on your shoulders, it's hard to see possibilities and act on them. But when you're among others who get what it takes to run a business, when you hear their experiences and tell your own stories, you start to see things in a different light. You think different, you act different, you are different—and so is your business.

Come on in.

On Main Street, you'll meet other owners who get what it's like to start, operate, and grow a small business. You can talk amongst yourselves, chat with EMyth coaches and program advisors, join programs, attend virtual events, and explore the Activity Feed for interesting ideas and articles. Come on in and immerse yourself in a virtual world dedicated to building a thriving and sustainable small business environment.